Rapid Environmental and Social Assessment of Geothermal Development in Conservation Forest Areas in Indonesia

This report presents the results of a rapid environmental and social assessment of geothermal development in conservation and forest areas. The report, through a micro-level assessment, reviewed 15 existing Indonesian geothermal energy projects to develop improved insight into the key risks and impacts typically associated with geothermal power development in forest areas. Based on the risks and impacts identified during this study, this report makes recommendations on risk avoidance and mitigation. Through a macro-level assessment of the officially published 330 geothermal resource potential points for Indonesia, the report determined the environmental and social risk rankings for every individual point. The ultimate objective is to further stimulate the development of a clean energy source in Indonesia by de-risking it through up-front avoidance of high-risk areas and effectively mitigating social and environmental impacts through good operational management.

Climate Change