Overview of policy or practice situation project sought to influence
This project is influencing the sustainable management of oases ecosystems in Tunisia, through the elaboration of a National Strategy. It has demonstrated the feasibility of implementing the Strategy by collaboratively developing Oasis Participatory Development Plans for 6 pilot oases. It has opened the door and provided key evidence and strategies that are informing a new $100 million project in Tunisia, on Natural Resource Conservation and Development.
Nature of the policy or practice…
Impact Stories
January 31, 2025 - 09:44PM
January 31, 2025 - 09:44PM
Project Summary:
Project title: Enabling the Russian Forest Sector to Attain Sustainability Through Governance Reforms
Project duration: November 2011 to June 2012
Project funding: DFID USD 250,000
Project partners: Russian Federal Forestry Agency, regional forest agencies, World Bank Forest Investment Program, World Bank Europe and Central Asia Region, DFID
Key deliverables: Forest Governance Assessment report in English and Russian; presentations at international conferences
In 2011, Russia was coming to grips with some high…
January 31, 2025 - 09:44PM
Project summary information
Project duration: June 2013 to May 2015
Project funding: $208,000 in total investment from PROFOR
Project partners: CONAFOR-Mexico
Key deliverables:
An initial stock-taking of benefit sharing arrangements in Mexico (country background report),
A webinar sub-activity to support the process of sensitization and inclusion of key stakeholders, and,
A sub-regional OAF stakeholder workshop for Yucatan (an early action area for REDD+).
A final report,” Identifying Adequate Benefit Sharing Mechanisms for REDD+ Activities in Mexico”, in Spanish and English.
January 31, 2025 - 09:44PM
Description: Organizations are organized — that is, they are split into divisions and branches, and they maintain an identity separate from other organizations. Those divisions allow specialization and development of expertise, but sometimes, they trap knowledge.
Recent internal reorganizations at the World Bank have moved staff away from global centers to focus on country or regional concerns. If anything, this has made it more likely that forest knowledge could be trapped in one branch of the larger organization.
With its global outlook, PROFOR can play an important role as a knowledge…
January 31, 2025 - 09:44PM
Description: Few international development projects unfold exactly as planned, and what happens after the project produces its knowledge products can be even more unpredictable. In the worst of cases, outside forces come to bear that completely destroy the chain of causation that makes up the theory of change. The question then may be, can a new chain be constructed? Can the theory of change be repaired? Do a project’s knowledge products have a shelf life? Do they go stale?
The forest governance assessment in Liberia, carried out by PROFOR in cooperation with the Forest Carbon Partnership…
January 31, 2025 - 09:44PM
Description: The impact of a project often depends on the engagement of an individual in a position of leadership, or in simpler terms, a champion.
One example is the watersheds case in India, one of our deep-dive cases. There, the leadership came from a World Bank staff member, who took the initial findings and applied them to other projects. Much of the impact of the project can be traced to the work of that one person.
An example of the cost of lack of leadership comes from a PROFOR governance assessment in Laos. PROFOR sponsored a participatory governance assessment there in 2014…
January 31, 2025 - 09:44PM
Project Summary:
Project title: Congo Basin Timber: Examining the Potential to Boost the Volume of Legal Wood Used in Construction and Furniture Making in the Congo Basin
Project duration: 1 year, 7 months (13-Nov-2014 - 13-Jun-2016)
Project funding: Total PROFOR investment of USD 196,405.09
Project partners: ATIBT, CIFOR/CIRAD, ITTO, ONFI and FIB
Key deliverables: Report: Central Africa Congo Basin Timber: Case studies of urban wood products markets in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Cameroon
Overview of policy or practice situation project…
January 31, 2025 - 09:44PM
In 2014, PROFOR supported a study that aimed to gather lessons learned and good practices from three high profile and successful watershed management projects in India: The Karnataka Watershed Development Project, the Uttaranchal Decentralized Watershed Development Project, and the Himachal Pradesh Mid-Himalayan Watershed Development Project.
The main knowledge product was a peer-reviewed high-quality report that outlined the evolution of watershed development policy and practice in India. The report consolidated lessons learned from best practices and contributes to improved policies and…
January 31, 2025 - 09:44PM
PROFOR's program on 'Understanding Forests’ Contribution to Poverty Reduction' is focused on generating knowledge on forests as pathways out of poverty. The research is designed to produce a number of outputs, including: (1) A knowledge review, focusing on synthesizing evidence on the impacts of forestry policies and programs on poverty reduction in evidence maps; (2) A conceptual framework on the potential pathways out of poverty; (3) A compendium of country case studies, providing information on various facets of the forest-poverty nexus; and (4) Dissemination and outreach targeted to…
January 31, 2025 - 09:44PM
Two project development objectives of PROFOR’s forest governance work are to deepen knowledge in this area and strengthen capacity to implement governance assessments. For this evaluation, PROFOR reviewed country-specific applications of the PROFOR participatory assessment tool in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Mozambique. In DRC the results of the assessment fed into a Bank Economic Sector Work (ESW). In Mozambique, the results fed into planning for the Bank’s Forest Investment Program (FIP). PROFOR also reviewed an online training project designed to disseminate FAO and PROFOR…