



Catalyzing Gender Forest Actions


Patti Kristjanson, Poverty and Gender Advisor, PROFOR

Tools and Approaches for Addressing Issues Related to Forest Landscapes, Gender and Poverty

This guide describes a range of tools and approaches applicable to project designers, researchers, development practitioners and others with an interest in understanding the issues related to, and links between, forests, poverty and gender. It was developed through discussions with key forest experts, WBG staff and CGIAR researchers and government and non-governmental partners and a review of literature and web-based resources. In many cases, descriptions were taken directly from open access secondary sources such as WB, FAO, ICRAF, IUCN, CIFOR, etc. websites; and these collaborators are gratefully acknowledged and thanked for openly sharing this information. In other cases, syntheses and summaries were derived from discussions with those experienced in using these approaches. In all cases, this information can be updated and improved if and when necessary.

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Author : Patti Kristjanson, Poverty and Gender Advisor, PROFOR
Last Updated : 05-15-2024